Thanks to couponing I've had many extra diaper containers this month. Hey, I can't pass up free wipes! I also hate having these extra plastic containers hanging around the house because my county won't recycle them! I've avoided buying them as much as I can but when I can get one free whenever I buy a bag of Pampers Diapers...well, let's just say I have a hard time passing up a good deal!
I don't know about you, but this summer has been the Summer of the Bugs in my garden. Tiger Moth Caterpillars (I believe) have eaten my bush beans, huge Tomato Worms have (thankfully) not done too much damage but they have been plentiful, along with a slew of other creepy crawlies. I would love for more birds to visit my garden and eat the unwelcome pests. Eventually I want to put up a pole and hang bird feeders and nest boxes in the center of the garden to encourage the friendly fliers. That is where my two trains of thought collided. Why not make nest boxes and bird feeders out of empty wipe containers?!
Wipe containers (Huggies
and Pampers
are what I have) are not water tight. We have an average of 54.5" in my area so that's a must! So much for the easy pop-the-top-up-and-check-on-the-baby-birds idea! My hubby had some great suggestions which helped tremendously. We also replaced some 2"x6"s on our deck so we had spare wood lying around.
Here's what we did!
- 1 (empty) baby wipes container
- 2" x 6" x 10.5" board (adjust to fit your needs)
- Paint (I put a white primer on the board)
- At least 4 nails (nail or glue to attach wipes container to the board)
- Jute/Rope/String for hanging the bird house
- Drill
- Scissors
- Metal File
- 2 Drill Bits
- 1 to drill the 4 holes for the jute
- 1 1/2" hole saw for creating the entry door
- Paint (if you choose to paint the house-my favorite is Delta Ceramcoat
Acrylic paints)
- Paintbrushes
Permanently remove the lid off of the container
Optional: Paint the conainer
My 3-year-old's creation (it was his first time with a paintbrush)!
Cut board to size and paint it (which will extend its life).
Nail the wipes container to the board-hopefully you'll have nails that aren't longer than the board is thick! I had to bend the ends over. :p I used about six nails per box depending on where the gaps were. 
Run the jute through the holes, beginning by going down in one corner and up the opposite corner. Then I cut the jute and did the same on the other side. A small piece of tape wrapped around the end of the jute makes it easier to thread through the hole.
Notice the crossed jute. Then I held up the ends of the jute and made sure the box hung evenly before tying them in a simple knot. 
Now, go find a tree or post!